Gdynia Winter Swimming Cup 2025 is stage of the IWSA International Winter Swimming Association World Cup – for the second time in the history of winter swimming, the World Cup will be held in Gdynia, Poland.

General Rule – Swimmers compete within age categories. The age categories for events of the season are determined by the swimmers age based on the season’s second year (i.e. if it’s season 2024-2025, your age is determined by year 2025)



Medals (1,2 and 3 place) in the age categories in accordance with the IWSA regulations for the distances 25m – 450m.
Statuettes for the 1,2 and 3 place in the 4x25m relay in the age categories in the age categories in accordance with the IWSA regulations.

BALTIC COLD BEAST 1 km – awards for BALTIC COLD BEAST – medal for finishing the distance and prizes for the first 3 people in the women’s and men’s categories.
SWIM FOR FUN and porpoises for children – we do not reward, it is swimming without timing for fun.


Saturday, February 8, 2025
– 50m freestyle
– 100m breaststroke
– 100m freestyle
– 25m for ADULTS, first winter start, just for fun, no counting time
– 25m freestyle
– 1km „BALTIC COLD BEAST” (does not count towards the points to World Cup)

Sunday, February 9, 2025
– 200m freestyle
– 50m breaststroke
– 50m butterfly
– 450m freestyle
– 25m „SWIM FOR FUN”
– relay 4x25m

25 m, 50 m – 2 min
100 m – 5 min.
200 m – 10 min.
450 m – 15 min.
1 km – 25 min.
Relays 4 x 25 m – 5 min.


– 50m freestyle – 60 people
– 100m breaststroke –  60 people
– 100m freestyle – 60 people
– 25m for ADULTS, first winter start, just for fun, no counting tim – no limits
– 25m freestyle – 60 people
– 1km „BALTIC COLD BEAST” – 24 people
– 200m freestyle – 30 people
– 50m breaststroke – 60 people
– 50m butterfly – 30 people
– 450m freestyle – 20 people
– 25m „SWIM FOR FUN” – not limits
– relay 4x25m – 18 relays

At the starting line, competitors will receive the following commands (with the following intervals):

  1. Take off your clothes
  2. Get in the water (five seconds)
  3. On your marks (three seconds)

Swimmers may not use any internal or external substances that preserve or increase body heat. Swimming under the influence of drugs or alcohol is forbidden. Any race official or lifeguard may require a swimmer to leave the water if he or she believes that swimmer to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or presents a danger to him or herself, other swimmers, officials or spectators.

Swimsuits must be appropriate and non-transparent. Topless swimming or swimming without a bathing costume is not permitted. Except in relation to the water performance teams, swimsuits may not go beyond the middle of the thigh or past the shoulder (i.e.they may not have legs or sleeves) and shall have to thermal protection or buoyancy.

Swimmers may not use any device or material, which is designed to improve performance (this includes, without limitation, hand-paddles, snorkels, fins, or floatation devices).

With the exception of a hat, swimmers may not wear any additional clothing (e.g. Gloves or neoprene socks) or wetsuits of any description, whether made of neoprene or any other material, even for dipping.

Swimmers must wear something on their head; either a swimming cap or a woollen or other warm hat.

The organiser’s decision on whether or not a swimmer is attired appropriately will be final.


The only permissible stroke for 25 and 50 meter breaststroke races is head-up breaststroke.

For 100 and 200 meter breaststroke swims, water overflow above the swimmer’s head is permitted during the whole course of swimming.
If the top of the head submerges during the race when it is not allowed, the swimmer will receive a 5 second penalty that will be added to their race time.


The competition at the distance of 450 meters may be entered by a person who proves that he has already swam such a distance in water with a temperature below 5 degrees.

The competition at a distance of 1000 meters may be entered by a person who proves that he / she previously participated in the competition at a distance of 1 km in water with a temperature below 5 degrees (this distance does not count towards the IWSA World Cup points).

BALTIC COLD BEAST 1 km – awards for BALTIC COLD BEAST – medal for finishing the distance and prizes for the first 3 people in the women’s and men’s categories.

The documentation referred to 450m and 1km, should be sent to the e-mail address bedore the event. The organiser reserves the right to verify the documentation and to expect additional information enabling verification of eligibility to start at a specific distance.

A competitor who at the time of the Competition is under 18 years of age must submit a written consent of his parents or legal guardians to enter the Competition and accept the requirements of the Regulations.

The competitors are verified by the Organiser or persons indicated by him. His decision is final.

False starts will not be called back. Blatant false starts will result in disqualification. Minor false starts will result in a five second penalty being added onto the race time. The decision of the referee will be final.


Swimming style is regular freestyle. The start of each race is a wet start i.e. swimmers must start the swim in the water. A diving start is strictly forbidden and will result in an instant disqualification. As each competitor enters the water, they will be instructed by lane marshals and officials to put their sholulders under the water, and to get into the start position. For this position each competitor must visibly hold the entry step with one hand.

Each swimmer finishes the swim by touching the wall at the end of their lane with at least one hand. Note: The swimmer must touch the end of the pool wall with at least one hand before turning, tumble turns are forbidden and will result in instant disqualification.


The swimming distance is 4 x 25 meters.

Each team must be of mixed gender and consist of 4 swimmers in total (i.e. three male swimmers and one female swimmer).

Each team must have a team captain. It’s advised for the team captain to register a team, providing details of all team members.

When called to the pool area, team members will be instructed to take their position at the team’s lane according to their start order.

The first and third swimmers take the start end of the lane, while the second and fourth swimmers take the turning end of the lane.

Swimmers start when the teammate before them touches the wall. Be ready in the water as your teammate finishes.

A team finishes when the fourth swimmer touches the wall at the end of the lane.


Each disabled swimmer who wants to take part in the IWSA World Cup in Gdynia should send a message to before registration – for verification with the competition organizers.

Each disabled person who wants to take part in the World Cup in Gdynia should present a medical certificate confirming that participation in the competition will not have a negative impact on his or her health.

After e-mail confirmation from the organizer after sending the required documents, the competitor will be able to take part in the competition.

GWSC recognises, supports, and encourages participation of swimmers with disabilities.

GWSC will treat disabled swimmers on a case-by-case basis, hile considering swimmer safety as the main objective. Every attempt will be made to provide the necessary facilities and assistance, but it must be recognised that due to limitations at some venues, this may not always be possible.

Organisers of the event may prevent a disabled Swimmer from swimmingat any time if it is felt that the conditions are adverse for that swimmer and/or the venue is not suitable for the disability in question as safety must always be the primary consideration. The Swimmer must accept that decision as final.

Swimmers with disabilities will be awarded according to IWSA age categories.


Protests can be filed against a decision of the referee or if an official fails to comply with the event rules.

All protests must be made in writing and must be delivered to the Organiser of the competition or a person indicated by him at the Competition Office.

The protest must contain – the name and surname of the applicant, a description of the dispute situation and the applicant’s handwritten signature.

he condition for considering the protest will be the payment of a bid bond in the amount of PLN 200.. 5. If the protest is approved, the tender bond will be returned to the applicant. 6. The Organiser’s decision regarding the protest is final

The fee for submitting a protest is 250 PLN.


The competitor may use a maximum of two silicone caps.  Swimsuit (cannot be made of neoprene):
a) men short-leg swimwear, „briefs” type or swimming pool swimwear,
b) women two- piece or one-piece swimwear without legs and sleeves or swimming pool swimwear.


The average water temperature in January in the Bay of Gdańsk is approx. 2°C.

Track length 25m, wall-to-wall reflection.

Qualification is obligatory at distances of 450 m and 1000 m.

The Participants of the Event and all other persons who are on the premises of the Event are obliged to behave in a way that does not threaten the safety of other people present at the Event, and in particular to comply with the provisions of the Regulations.

The participant agrees to the photographic and audio-video registration of the competition and their subsequent publication.

The Organiser is the administrator of personal data of registered Participants. The participant has the right to inspect them and correct them.

The competition will take place regardless of weather conditions (excluding extreme or unusual situations in the climate characteristic for the place of the competition).

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or interrupt the competition, as well as changes in the schedule and swimming distances in a situation when it considers that weather changes may endanger the safety of Participants or persons on behalf of the Organiser. The decision in this regard is final.

The route of the competition will be secured by appropriate rescue services both on land and on water.

The Organizer, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, is released from any liability for any damage caused by Participants as a result of participation in the competition and is released from the obligation to repair such damage.

The competitor takes part in the competition at his own risk. The organiser, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, is exempt from any liability for any damage, injuries or health detriment that may result from participation in the competition and is exempt from the obligation to repair such damage.

During the competition, the competitor must present a valid photo ID at the request of the Organiser.

The fee once paid is non-refundable. We allow a refund of the entry fee for health reasons only in the event of resignation by January 27, 2025.

The organiser is not responsible for the cancellation of the competition for reasons beyond his control and unforeseeable.

In matters not covered by these Regulations, decisions shall be made by the Organiser.

The Organiser reserves the right to verify each application and cancel a given registration or transfer the participant to another distance without giving reasons.

The organiser reserves the right to modify the Regulations.

Additional information about the competition and their organisation can be found on Facebook